Dyslexia » Strategies for Teaching and Classroom Modifications

Strategies for Teaching and Classroom Modifications

Provide multisensory (visual, auditory, tactile, and kinesthetic) experiences for learning. 


Allow extra time to complete tasks.

Assign a reading/study buddy for in-class assignments.

Allow extra time before answering questions.

Teach organization and planning skills.

Provide graphic organizers.

Break down larger, more difficult assignments into smaller tasks.

Provide audio books when available.

Use text-to-speech software and/or apps.

Provide note-taking assistance.

For writing, provide/use word prediction software.

Check for comprehension of directions.

Provide oral-administration (read aloud) for in-class assignments and tests.

Awareness of information on classroom modifications and especially of modifications allowed on standardized testing (19 TAC §74.28)


Common classroom accommodations:


  Common state assessment accommodations:

  *Accommodations will vary by individual student need and are determined by a student's Section 504 Committee or ARD Committee.