Athletic Training » Athletic Training

Athletic Training


Lyford CISD Athletic Training Room

Fill out all required paperwork electronically at

Click here -> ->   **Online Forms**

 Instructions on how to access the website for online signatures:

  • Go to
  • Top Right Click on "Fill out Electronic Signatures
  • Then Click on "TX" then Lyford CISD



Due to COVID-19, physical requirements for the 2020-2021 school year have been modified.  Athletes do not need a new physical if they are incoming 8th-12th grade and already have a physical that was on file and approved.  Execption to this include: incoming 7th graders and students with questionable medical conditions or concerns on their medical history.  ( Physicals can be printed through this website or rankone)  All athletes are required to fill out a mew medical history form, along with any remaining rankone forms. The link to our online forms is  In order for your child to be cleared for athletic participation, the medical history form must be reviewed and accepted in addition the remaining rankone online forms must be electronically signed and completed.